I have recently found an journal and with Edward's permission, have decided to post the first entry of his first person account of what happened that day.
"10.1. It was cloudy…I remember that all too well. Our mother had passed away and Al and I didn't know what else to do. Our father left a long time and didn't even have the respect to be at her funeral. I'll never forgive him for walking out on her. It was his job to be there for us!
Our mother was beautiful. She always put us above herself, even as she got sicker. We tried our best to take care of her, but one day…she was taken from us. It was as if our very hearts were ripped out of our bodies and thrown on the cold, unforgiving ground. It was then we decided…we WOULD see our mother again.
I had done research on the human body. I had its chemical makeup down to the very last bit of calcium in a person's fingernails. All it needed…was one final ingredient. Al and I cut our fingers and added our blood to the recipe, hoping it would be the soul's information to make our mother remember us. We took a deep breath…and began the process.
The room filled with a bright yellow light filled the room, and hope began to return to our hearts. We were excited that we would see our mother change. Then…it all went wrong. Something was not right. The room turned a crimson red as we looked at each other confused. We didn't know what was happening.
Then, a giant eye opened in the middle of the floor. We didn't know what it was until it was too late. Al's body…began to break down in front of me. I tried to reach him, but I felt a sharp pain in my left leg, as if it were being ripped from my body. I looked, and saw my leg was being dematerialized. Despite the great pain, I tried to reach Al, but I was too late. They took him in a burst of white light.
Once it died down. I found myself in a place I had never seen before. In front of me stood a giant door. It began to open, and as it did, these black tentacles grabbed me and slowly pulled me in. I tried to fight back, but it was too strong.
Inside the gate, my mind began to fill with the knowledge of the ages. I was shown the universe, a tremendous quality of information was forced directly into my head. The pain was unbearable as if I could feel my head crack from all the information pushing itself in.
I was then flashed back to the basement of my house. My left leg was gone, and I was in excruciating pain. Al was gone, and what was left was not what we had wanted. We prayed to get our mother back, but instead…got a monster of unthinkable horror. It was not what we wanted at all. It was…the thing nightmares were made of.
I was in pain as I cried for my brother. I saw a suit of armor on the ground and slowly inched myself over to it. I planned to get him back at the cost of my soul. I would not let them keep him. He was all that I had left. I offered my right arm, and my heart, and performed the transmutation.
The next thing I remember…was Al, attached to the suit of armor, holding me in his arms. We had tried to play God…and we paid the ultimate prices.
To be continued…"
Until next time with part 2,
~Cody Nakamura