Did you like the Otakon 2010 photoshoot? Well, we got a lot of great photos, and it got me thinking. What if we could tell our little Otakon story with these photos?
Therefore, I am pleased to present the revival of "Kigurumi Manga". I originally did a kigurumi comic about three years ago with "The Kigurumi Night Before Christmas" and I recently saw Ryunosuke Sozaiya's kigurumi comics and it got me wanting to revive the "Kigurumi Manga" franchise and I started with Otakon 2010 pt.1.
The first part of our Otakon 2010 comic looks at our kigurumis as they enter Baltimore's Inner Harbor. You can check it out by clicking here.
Let me know what you think of it, and if I should continue the series.
Until next time,
~Cody Nakamura