A fan of the Kigurumi Dojo submitted a piece of fanart to me the other night, and I thought it was so cute, I just had to get it up on the site right away. The artist's name is Kokoro and she has drawn Kenshin as a chibi (small body, big head).
This actually kinda reminds me of the Rurouni Kenshin bobble head that I've been wanting for a while now. (HINT: Now someone knows what they could get me for Christmas)
I've also been working on the Gallery page. I've broken it down to two pages: Fanart and Photo Album. The Photo Album is the main page for my kig photos, and the Fanart page is the page for, well, fanart. You can access them by clicking on the gallery button.
You can check out the full size Chibi Kenshin by clicking on the photo, and you can find the Kenshin bobblehead on eBay if you would like to buy it for me. ^_^
Until Next Time,
~Cody Nakamura