As you can see by my fancy Summer To-Do bulletin board (which you can click to check it out in full depth), I had quite the doozie of a summer. Here are just a few of the many different things I got to do over Summer 2009.
Everyone's goal of Summer is to do some traveling, and that's one of the first things I did. Inuyasha cruised across the East coast to Baltimore, MD for Otakon 2009, where he hung out with several lovely female kigurumi ladies (check out the Otakon 2009 Gallery by clicking here). Inuyasha didn't just go to Baltimore, but he also got to travel to the Moon, Mt. Rushmore, Russia, and much more. (check it out on my YouTube channel).
Like most teenagers, a summer job is needed for extra spending money, and Inuyasha did that (which you can check out in his special photoshoot). He lasted longer than I had originally thought he would, being one week.
I think one of the most important things that happened over the summer was the launch of the new Kigurumi Dojo. The site can now be followed by Facebook, Twitter & by an RSS feed.
Overall, this summer has been quite the success. As Fall approaches, so does Halloween, Christmas, and a new series of photoshoots.
Until next time,
~Cody Nakamura