Arin had a most wonderful spirit, though she had a hard time expressing it. I met her in 2007 and escorted her to her first animé convention here in Ohio. (There are several videos featuring me and her on my YouTube Channel)
She also had the pleasure of performing with Kiki Feegata at Anime North in 2008. She mainly masked with two characters. Arin Albatross from Pangaya18, and her original character, Molly DeBrun, an irish red headed character. She had planned to get another mask of Kooh, the small pirate captain from Albatross18.
It is never easy to see a loved one leave us, but Arin would not want us to mourn her loss. Rather, she would want us to celebrate her life. She might not have handled herself the best in the forums, but she only wanted to be accepted by the community.
In honor of Arin, I have created a special memorial wallpaper featuring Arin the way she would want to be remembered. You can download it by clicking the photo below
Until next time, and may Arin Rest In Peace,
~Cody Nakamura