Otakon 2010: Part 1

Happy Saturday everyone,

I tell ya, I had quite the time at Otakon 2010. Sure there was a lot of lines, I didn't get to see Vic Mignogna, and the entire con was evacuated because someone pulled a fire alarm, but aside from that, it was a pretty good time.

I was not the only one to have a good time at Otakon. I was also joined by the lovely Kiki Feegata, Splint, Jovina, and newcomer Darkhorse_Steele. We got to do a photoshoot on Baltimore's fammed USS Constellation, a former US battleship that has become a popular tourist attraction in the Inner Harbor.

We decided to to a Victorian theme, which explains the attire of the girls and a very feministic looking blue haired gentlemen. Edward was already dressed for the occasion so he fit in perfectly as well.

You can check out part 1 of the Otakon photos by clicking here. Part 2 will consist of photos from the official Fullmetal Alchemist photoshoot.

Until next time,

~Cody Nakamura