Do you know who the person in the photo to the left is? Well if you don't, I'll tell you. The person in the photo is none other than voice actor Vic Mignogna, who is best known for voicing classic characters as Broly from DragonBall Z, Kurz Webber from Full Metal Panic, and most significantly, Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist.
For those who don't know, Vic was recently at Otakon 2010, and so was Edward. Sadly, they did not get to meet each other, and that made me sad....until today.
A good friend of mine got to interview Vic on his radio show and told him about how I was getting a kigurumi of Edward and Vic got excited about it. Yesterday, to my surprise, I got an email from none other than Vic Mignogna himself.
Apparently, my friend had shown him some of the photos from Otakon and he sent me an email. It read as follows...
"Hey there! I just wanted to drop you a note to tell you how amazing your Edward kigurumi looks! I'm sorry I didn't get to see you in person at Otakon, but I hope you'll come to another con someday soon so I can see that awesomeness in person!"
~Vic Mignogna
Receiving that email was a very humbling moment. Having fans of all ages come to my site, see me at conventions and take my picture is awesome, but to have the voice actor to one of the characters you portray email you to tell you it's awesome is truly something special. Of course I appreciate all my fans and visitors.
Until next time
~Cody Nakamura