Of course this year, we say goodbye to two very popular shows. The first, the original Law & Order. I love the original, but due to low ratings, NBC has pulled the plug on Dick Wolf's gift to the world. Shame too, because one more season and Gunsmoke's 20 season record would have been shattered. I don't care what you say, Lennie Brisco (Jerry Orbach) is the BEST detective on L&O of all time.
The second series we say goodbye to is the cult classic "LOST" Now, while I don't know a lot about the series, it's still a very popular show about some people on an island finding some kind of hatch or something. Anywho, in honor of LOST's series finale, I have made a special parody wallpaper to the popular logo. Instead of saying "LOST", it says "KIGURUMI" It might actually inspire the writers to make a second series with Kigurumi characters. I know who would get off the island....Inuyasha.
Anywho, you can download the wallpaper by clicking on it, and set it as your wallpaper. Be sure to stay tuned for an all new series of photoshoots as Kenshin, Inuyasha, & Edward get ready for summertime.
Until next time,
~Cody Nakamura