Happy Tuesday, everyone. Man, it has been an awfully cold day. We got about five inches of snow here in the northeast, so while I'm not in classes, I'm busy digging my home out of the snow's evil clutches. BUM BUM BUMMMM! Anywho, on to the updates!
If you'll look to the left, you'll see a wonderfully painted picture of Inuyasha, poised with Tetsaigua in hand. This comes to us, courtesy of Charlest. He's done two pieces including Inuyasha, and you can check them out now by clicking here.
Now onto the next update, remember when I got the postcard from the mystery person who is coming to the Dojo? Well apparantly, this mysterious guest is coming in the form of a new kigurumi mask. I still don't know the name of the guest (except for the initials of E.E.) so I've decided to post the photos he has sent me online and call the preparation,
Project E². Here are the first photos of the new mask.

As you can see, there are a lot of happenings on the Kigurumi Dojo, so stay tuned for when the mystery guest's appearance.
Until next time,
~Cody Nakamura