Open right now in the Casual Outfits page of the Gallery is the second and final part to the final Otakon 2009 Secret Photoshoot: Neko Red Riding Hood. Of course, with the classic tale of Red Riding Hood, you need a Big Bad Wolf. What will happen to Neko Red now that the Big Bad Wolf has arrived on the scene? Will he make a meal out of her, or, is there more to this cute catgirl than meets the eye
On that note, I want to thank Jovina for taking part in the photoshoot. She was kind enough to portray the Big Bad Wolf and provide the props for this photoshoot.
Actually, I want to thank Jovina for hosting these yearly photoshoots at her house. She was incredibly nice to let me use her costumes and her masks, and for that I owe her a big thanks and hope that she will continue to let me do shoots at her house and posting them to the site. I also want to thank Kiki Feegata for letting me borrow the costume. I love it so much and it has a poofy skit which makes it more fun to wear.
If you want to see more of the shoot, click here. Also, be sure to leave a comment and tell me what you think of the photos of the gallery, or the site altogether.
Until next time, nyo,
~Cody Nakamura