The Day After Thanksgiving: Stuffed Like The Turkeys That Came Before Us!

Happy Black Friday, everyone. Well, the Thanksgiving season is over and we are well under way into the Christmas season. Wow, it's just so hard to believe that it's almost that time of year. One of my favorite times of years is almost upon us, and that means only one thing....SALES, SALES, & MORE SALES!

What is it what drives thousands of people out of bed at the crack of dawn to stand in line for hours on end? Well, according to Wikipedia, Black Friday is the Friday following Thanksgiving Day in the United States, which is the beginning of the traditional Christmas shopping season. The term dates back to at least 1966, although its usage was primarily on the East coast. The term has become more common in other parts of the country since 2000. Because Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday in November in the United States, Black Friday occurs between the 23rd and the 29th of November. According to Reuters, in 2007 135 million people participated in the Black Friday shopping rush more than turned out to vote in the 2008 United States presidential election, which recorded the largest voter turn out in history.

Until next time,

~Cody Nakamura

New Video on YouTube: Cloe Dancing!!!

Hey everyone. While going through my video archive, I stumbled upon this old video which was shot during the Cloe photoshoot at Jovina's during Otakon 2008. It's a little vid of me dancing to "Milkshakes" by Kelis. I thought it was cute, so I decided to upload on the video. You can check it out either here:

Or, check it out in full quality by going to my YouTube channel. Be sure to comment, rate, fav, and subscribe to my channel.

Until next time,

~Cody Nakamura

Neko Red Riding Hood pt. 2 Gallery Posted

Greetings, and happy Monday everyone. Well, the Halloween candy is gone, the Birthday cake is well...not ready yet. We've been a little busy, and I do promise a video very very soon, so be patient. Anyhow, Halloween is over, so now we need to get back on track.

Open right now in the Casual Outfits page of the Gallery is the second and final part to the final Otakon 2009 Secret Photoshoot: Neko Red Riding Hood. Of course, with the classic tale of Red Riding Hood, you need a Big Bad Wolf. What will happen to Neko Red now that the Big Bad Wolf has arrived on the scene? Will he make a meal out of her, or, is there more to this cute catgirl than meets the eye

On that note, I want to thank Jovina for taking part in the photoshoot. She was kind enough to portray the Big Bad Wolf and provide the props for this photoshoot.

Actually, I want to thank Jovina for hosting these yearly photoshoots at her house. She was incredibly nice to let me use her costumes and her masks, and for that I owe her a big thanks and hope that she will continue to let me do shoots at her house and posting them to the site. I also want to thank Kiki Feegata for letting me borrow the costume. I love it so much and it has a poofy skit which makes it more fun to wear.

If you want to see more of the shoot, click here. Also, be sure to leave a comment and tell me what you think of the photos of the gallery, or the site altogether.

Until next time, nyo,

~Cody Nakamura

Happy Birthday to Cody & Inuyasha's Age Revealed!!!

Happy Tuesday, everyone. I hope it's as good a day as it is for you as it is for me. Why is it so good for me? Well....IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! That's right, I turn the big 22. Well, okay it isn't big, but it's still
important to me. In case you were wondering, a birthday, according to Wikipedia, is the anniversary of the particular day on which a person was born. Though by no means universal, such occasions are celebrated in numerous cultures, often with a party or, in some instances, a rite of passage.

Though major religious traditions such as the Buddhist or the Christian celebrate the birth of their founders, the most obvious example of which is Christmas, principled opposition to the very idea of celebrating birthdays is to be found among certain religious groups.

The magic number makes me wonder something, though, and that is..."How old is Inuyasha?" Now, we all know that Inuyasha is not only half dog demon, but he's also half human. For those who don't know, Inuyasha was pinned to a sacred tree by the priestess Kikyo, and went into a deep sleep for over fifty years, until Kagome inadvertently released him.

Thanks to technology and science too complicated to go into detail about, we have finally been able to pinpoint Inuyasha's accurate age. Now, every one (1) human year equals 10.5 in dog years. Now, we'll assume Inuyasha was 18 in human years when he was pinned to the tree, so that would make him 85. Now, we add the fifty years he was pinned to the tree to that and we get 68 in human years, and in dog years...285 YEARS! So...what do you get the half demon, half human that has everything? An iPod, A Wii, maybe a new sword forged from his father's fang? These are just hints people, so make sure you get something that suits Inuyasha.

Anywho, look for a special video on YouTube soon, and let the presents and cake flow on in (Don't worry. We'll make sure Inuyasha doesn't eat it all! ^_^;)

Until next time,

Cody Nakamura, The Birthday Kig