Hello everyone! Hope your week is getting off on the right track. Anywho, this will be a special post. Why is it special? Simply because....we have a new face coming to the Kigurumi Dojo real soon. It's been a while since we had a new face around the place and we're so excited.
The other day, I was checking my mail, and I got this postcard from far away. It said that someone would be coming to live with Kenshin, Inuyasha and myself at the Dojo. They didn't give their name, only the initials, E.E.
What could E.E stand for? Electric Eels? Enormous Elephants? Elderly Electabuzz? It's quite the mystery to me. All I know is, a new character is coming to the Dojo real soon, so keep tuned in and get ready for this mystery visitor.
Until next time,
~Cody Nakamura