Well, once again, it is time for another update to the gallery. I know I've been neglecting, but I just got back from a long trip to Washington D.C. so I have a LOT of catching up to do.
Look on the bright side, I got a new galley posted. Who is the love blue angel in the photo to the left? Her name is Pamela, and she is a trophy wife. For those who don't know what that is, a "trophy wife" is a young, attractive woman regarded as a status symbol for an older man.
Does she look familiar? Actually, she's Jovina's male gentlemen kigurumi from our photoshoot at Otakon last year. However, we decided to turn him into a robust and busty female. She's ready for any gentlemen to take her off to live in the lap of luxury, but for now, she'll have to settle with having her own photoshoot on the site.
If you would like to see the full gallery, you can check it out in the "Special Photoshoots" album, or by clicking
I promise a new swarm of gallery updates in the next week or so.
Until next time,
~Cody Nakamura